The Ministerial Vocation Committee (MVC) report to the 43rd General Assembly of its work during 2022-2023, plus recommendations for consideration by the Assembly.

Use these quicklinks to navigate to a specific section of this report:

Summary of Work
Summary of Recommendations
Work of the Committee
Recommendations (Detailed)
Committee Members
Meeting Dates

Fred Lian

TE, Presbytery of the West


1. The MVC worked with Presbytery Care of Candidates and Ministerial Committee Chairs to understand common issues that these committees regularly face and to identify best practices to resolve these issues.

2. The MVC worked to be the shepherd of the shepherds by helping with the personal, emotional, financial, and spiritual needs of several EPC pastors and churches.

3. The MVC worked with the Effective Biblical Leadership Task Force to review the ordination process.

4. The MVC interviewed individuals who were seeking to engage with the Candidates Educational Equivalency Program for ordination.

5. The MVC approved the document from the National Director of Church Health, “When a Congregation Loses a Pastor: Temporary Process” to be made available to churches and presbyteries.

6. The MVC approved a document titled “A Fond Farewell: Navigating a Healthy Pastoral Transition.”

7. The MVC held an “on-boarding” training session with Ministerial and Care of Candidate Chairs.

8. The MVC approved the request of TE Bob Cummings to create a Fund that is overseen by the EPC allowing pastors to participate in Sabbaticals.

9. The MVC created and approved a new Pastor Information Form and a new Church Information Form.

10. The MVC recommended and approved that InFaith Ministries and The King’s Table Ministries be received as a Committee Commended Resource of the EPC.

11. The MVC recommended and approved a gift of $1,000 to PIR Ministries for the calendar year 2023.

12. The MVC recommended and approved that Candidates who are in their final year of seminary may take the Ordination Exams if a call has been issued, with approval of the Ministerial Committee of their presbytery.

13. The MVC recommended and approved that Key Ministry be received as a Committee Endorsed Resource of the EPC.


43-15 The MVC recommends that the General Assembly form a task force to consult with outside experts and complete a thorough review of our Book of Discipline and associated Forms to present recommendations to the 44th General Assembly.

43-17 The MVC recommends the General Assembly approve the creation of an Ad-interim, Moderator-appointed committee for the purpose of reviewing our ordination standards and process and recommending any potential changes to the 45th General Assembly.


The Ministerial Vocation Committee (MVC) continues its purpose to best support, encourage, and equip Teaching Elders to best be able to fulfill their call as Pastors, which will ultimately strengthen the ministry to which they are called.

A subcommittee of the MVC, the Outcomes Committee, continues its work on establishing a continuing education opportunity to help pastors to be most effective in their ministries. They are working to answer the question: What does it take for Pastors to thrive in ministry in the 21st century North American context?

The MVC also approved several ministries to be “Committee Commended/Committee Endorsed Resources” of the EPC.

The MVC met with and approved six Candidates to participate in the Candidates Educational Equivalency Program (CEEP).

The MVC came to a consensus that we highly recommend all ordination candidates take the MMPI-3 prior to the release of the ordination exams.

An “on-boarding” Zoom meeting was held in January 2023 for the purpose of engaging with Ministerial Committee and Care of Candidates Chairs and introducing, or reinforcing, what the Procedural Manual for Ministerial and Candidates Committees contained.

A new Personal Information Form and Church Information Form were developed and approved for use. It is believed that these forms will reveal more relevant information for both the Candidate and the Church.

The MVC was updated by TE Bob Stauffer (National Director of Church Health) regarding trends in bi-vocational/co-vocational pastoring, and TE Tom Ricks, National Director of Church Planting.

The MVC received communication and updates from several pastoral resources including Thirdmill Institute, PIR Ministries, and Heartland Seminary.

The MVC coordinated with the Outcomes Task Force to develop a pilot program for active Teaching Elders who wish to increase their health and effectiveness in pastoral ministry.

The MVC met with Michelle Munger, a Disability Ministry Consultant, and learned how the church can be more effective in ministering to those with disabilities.

The MVC came to a consensus that it is highly recommended that all Candidates for ordination take the MMPI-3 psychological examination prior to the Ordination Exams being released.

The MVC received a report regarding the possible formation of an Intern Residency Program in the future.

The MVC assisted Candidates who had unique challenges (e.g., English as a second language, physical disability) to take the Ordination Exams with special exemptions for their distinctive needs.



The Ministerial Vocation Committee recommends that the General Assembly form a task force to consult with outside experts and complete a thorough review of our Book of Discipline and associated Forms to present recommendations to the 44th General Assembly.

Rationale: The National Leadership Team also recommends that the General Assembly form a task force to consult with outside experts and complete a thorough review of our Book of Discipline and associated Forms to present recommendations to the 44th General Assembly.


The MVC recommends the General Assembly approve the creation of an Ad-interim, Moderator-appointed committee for the purpose of reviewing our ordination standards and process and recommending any potential changes to the 45th General Assembly.

Rationale: In November 2022, Chris Meizner, Senior Director and COO at The Association of Theological Schools in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, writing for the American Theological Society in Colloquy Online, stated, “MDiv enrollment projects to continue declining to about 28,000 students, which would represent a decline of about 4% from fall 2021 and a decline of 9% since fall 2018. MDiv enrollment remains a substantial proportion of enrollment in fall 2022 at about 35%, but this is a marked difference from even ten years ago when MDiv students represented 43% of total enrollment.” The Moderator-appointed Task Force will evaluate changes that are occurring in seminary education, its impact upon the EPC, and in what ways, if any, should this shift be addressed.


Fred Lian (Chairman)
TE, Presbytery of the West

Richard Gash
RE, Presbytery of the Alleghenies

Doug Resler
TE, Presbytery of the West

Chris Curtis
TE, Presbytery of the Rivers and Lakes

Neal McAtee
RE, Presbytery of the Central South

Rachel White
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest


August 17, 2022: Video Conference
September 13-15, 2022:
Office of the General Assembly (Orlando, Florida)
February 1, 2023:
Video Conference
March 22-23, 2023:
Office of the General Assembly (Orlando, Florida)
April 19, 2023: Video Conference

Respectfully submitted,




Fred Lian, Chairman
June 2023

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