Tornado Disaster Relief Update

Jeff Jeremiah Aug 08, 2013 Between the middle of June and the middle of July over $60,000 was donated to the disaster relief fund in response to the tornado that devastated Moore, Oklahoma.  This brought the total to over $90,000.  Relief teams from Eastminster...

Oklahoma Tornado Relief Update

Jeff Jeremiah May 30, 2013 In response to the devastating tornado that hit Moore, OK on May 20, on May 21 the Committee on Administration created the Oklahoma Tornado disaster relief fund. To date, $16,240 has been received into this fund. All funds collected will be...

Hurricane Sandy Relief Update

Church News Feb 11, 2013 As winter storm Nemo hit New York and New England last weekend, Hurricane Sandy relief work continued in Brooklyn, NY.  Brooklyn Presbyterian Church, one of our newest churches has been the focus of our prayer and financial support in this...