by Jeff Jeremiah, EPC Stated Clerk

The time is right to give you all a “shout out.”

We are in the midst of the thirty-day response period to the draft of the Position Paper on Human Sexuality produced by the Position Paper Review Interim Committee. Two EPC groups deserve praise and thanks.


Sandy Willson

First is the Interim Committee. Led by Sandy Willson, the committee set an aggressive schedule for itself when it first met last summer. To ensure there was time for EPC leaders to read and respond—and for the committee to carefully consider input from across the denomination—it set January 15 as their deadline for the completion of the draft. When the response period concludes on February 15, they then will have plenty of time to review and consider revisions to the Paper. Imagine how difficult it would be to consider your responses if they had distributed the draft on April 15? Or May 15? The Interim Committee worked very hard this fall to ensure all of us would have the opportunity to provide input.

Second is all of you who are responding. I’ve met with two EPC leadership groups that have discussed the Paper. In each meeting, it was obvious that everyone in the room cared about the stance we take. In addition, everyone appreciated the task the Interim Committee had taken on and the work they had done. These groups presented thoughtful concerns, corrections, and additions to the draft—sometimes with a lack of agreement. Yet throughout these conversations, all were shown courtesy and respect. My take-away from each meeting was, “We’re in this together and we’ll figure it out together.” Beyond these meetings, I’ve seen the same attitude and behavior on display in emails and social media, all seeking to gather support for various responses to the Paper.

There is no doubt that we all have the same goal in this project: a Position Paper that best represents the EPC on this topic. I am very thankful for that, and am equally as thankful for how the process has played out so far. That merits a “shout out” to everyone involved. Great job!