epnewshurricanematthewreliefIn response to devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew across the Bahamas, the EPC has launched an emergency relief fund to help with recovery efforts. Matthew hammered the Bahamas October 5-6 as a category 3 and 4 hurricane. Donations to the fund will be sent to EPC churches ministering to those affected by the storm.

The EPC has three churches in the Bahamas: St. Andrews Presbyterian Kirk in Nassau, Lucaya Presbyterian Church in Freeport, and Kirk of the Pines in Abaco. Bryn MacPhail, Pastor of St. Andrews, noted that Nassau and Freeport suffered significant damage from the storm.

“Poverty-stricken areas of Nassau and Freeport were especially hard-hit,” he said. “Any financial support would be applied to our mission to the impoverished community just to the south of us, where partial roof collapses were quite common. Thank you for your prayers and support.”

Click here to see photos of the damage throughout the Bahamas.

Click here to donate online (Choose “Emergency Relief” from the first pulldown menu and “Hurricane Matthew Bahamas Relief (505)” from the second pulldown menu,) or make check payable to Evangelical Presbyterian Church and designated “Hurricane Matthew Bahamas Relief,” and send to:

Evangelical Presbyterian Church
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL  32822

Thank you for helping provide relief to those in need.