Dr. James Banks

Dr. James Banks

Dr. James Banks, Pastor of Peace Church in Durham, N.C., and his wife, Cari, will be the featured guests on a free RBC Ministries webinar “Praying for Prodigals” on Tuesday, December 9, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST.

The webinar will explore both healthy and unhealthy methods that parents, grandparents, and other family members respond regarding a child on the run. Topics of discussion include:

  • Praying faithfully for your children, regardless of the outcome
  • Praying even when you don’t see anything good happening
  • Understanding the true purpose of prayer for the one who prays
  • Discovering that you are not alone and how to build alliances with other parents praying for prodigals
  • Praying even when you feel like a failure as a parent and all the emotions that go along with that

In addition to serving as Pastor, Banks is a part-time seminary professor and author of three books: Praying the Prayers of the Bible, Prayers for Prodogals: 90 Days of Prayer for your Child, and The Lost Art of Praying Together: Rekindling Passion for Prayer.

Click here to register for the free webinar.