We have a number of resources available for congregations that want to learn more about how to join the EPC, including how to join from another Presbyterian body. The two downloadable resources below are our primary information sources for churches interested in finding out more about the EPC.

Inquiring Church Information Packet

This 27-page packet includes our process for inquiring churches, answers to common questions that we get asked, summary belief statements, and all necessary Petition to Be Received forms. The forms are in fillable PDF format, which need to be downloaded and saved to your computer before completing.

Book of Order

The Book of Order includes the Book of Government, Book of Worship, and Book of Discipline in pdf format.

Click here for additional resources and application forms. In addition, we encourage you to dig into the About the EPC section of our website.


If you are an ordained minister and are interested in joining the EPC, we have all the information you will need on the Transferring into the EPC page. If you are not ordained and are interested in finding out what is involved, see our Qualifications for Ordination page.

In the EPC, ordination of Teaching Elders is a function of the presbytery. Click here for a list of EPC presbyteries and the appropriate contacts for each.