Barna Research shows that 60% of students raised in the church will leave it during their college years. Pew Research says the fastest-growing religious group in the U.S. is the atheist, agnostic, or “none” (nothing in particular). The church has a strategic opportunity to reach college students and young adults with the gospel, and disciple students to follow Jesus in and through these formative years. The Next Generation Ministries Council is working to equip and resources our churches to reach the next generation of church and ministry leaders.



The college campus—with 20 million students in the U.S. alone—is one of the most strategic mission fields for reaching the next generation worldwide. Since 2007, the EPC has partnered with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) to help local churches with campus ministry in their communities. Contact CCO to learn more about what campus ministry could look like in your church context.

EPC World Outreach

The Next Generation Ministries Council works closely with World Outreach to connect young adults and college students to opportunities that will cast vision and equip them to engage in mission. We want to see the next generation of missionaries be discipled and equipped to serve the church in the Great Commission to reach the world.


Facebook Group

It's Not Too Late

Drawing on sociological research and Scripture, Dan Dupee shows parents that the turbulent years of transitioning into adulthood are a time when their kids may need their guidance the most to not just survive college with faith intact, but enter adulthood with a faith of their own.


All college students in EPC churches are encouraged to attend Jubilee, a conference hosted by the CCO that proclaims God’s story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration—and the implications of how God’s story transforms every area of life.

Jubilee offers a track for church leaders and partners in campus ministry to network and learn best practices in reaching the next generation.

The Next Generation Ministries Council provides scholarships each year for students, and CCO offers a discounted rate for church leaders. For more information, contact Jen Burkholder, Next Generation Ministries Council Chair and CCO Partnership Coordinator.

Click here to contribute to the Next Generation Ministries Scholarship Fund.

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Orlando, FL 32822
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