Percentage of Income (POI) is the primary method for EPC churches to fund the mission and vision of the EPC. The POI model is a request for churches to support the national level of the EPC with 1 percent of undesignated receipts. Commissioners to the 42nd General Assembly in June 2022 approved a transition to POI from the Per Member Asking (PMA) funding formula. The shift will phase in over the next three years, with full POI implementation expected at the start of FY26 in July 2025.

These contributions are put to work through collaborative ministries, connectional support, and custodial operations.

• Collaborative Ministries serve and support local church and presbytery initiatives to achieve our mission and vision better together than alone.
• Connectional Support ensures that EPC constitutional mandates unite and align churches, sessions, presbyteries, and committees with the General Assembly.
• Custodial Operations ensures prudent stewardship, protection, and management of EPC assets, integrity, finances, information, and employees.

Opportunities for financially supporting the EPC beyond POI are below. Each includes a secure, online form that offers the convenience of setting a recurring monthly contribution, as well as a text-to-give option. Use these quicklinks to navigate to a specific section of this page:

Emergency Relief Funds
General Assembly / Gospel Priorities Summit Worship Service Offerings

Other Support


California Wildfires Emergency Relief

Click to support EPC churches in affected areas

Domestic Emergency Relief

Click to support EPC churches in affected areas

International Disaster Relief

Click to support EPC World Outreach international ministry partner efforts


Worship services are an integral part of the EPC’s General Assembly meeting each year. The offerings received during the 44th General Assembly / Gospel Priorities Summit worship services will help fund projects related to the theme of the 44th General Assembly: “Next.” Click any of the images below to donate to these funds.


The Holy Spirit gives us abilities—spiritual gifts—with which to serve one another. Are you giving your time and abilties in your church in proportion to your spiritual gifts? Ask your pastor or elders how you can serve God at your church.

Beyond the local church, the EPC provides a number of opportunities to give time, talent, and treasure. Contact your Presbytery to learn about opportunities to serve regionally. Elders and Ministers also have the opportunity and responsibility to give their time and abilities in service to the larger church in the Presbytery and General Assembly.

There are numerous opportunities to serve nationally through the committees of the General Assembly, and these are not just for Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders. There are opportunities for lay people with skills and interest in Next Generation (children’s, student, and college ministries), World Outreach (missions), and more. If you sense the Lord calling you to serve, contact your church or Presbytery to seek their confirmation of that call and their nomination to serve.


You can support your local church and the EPC through prayer. Prayer is a significant means by which God accomplishes His holy and wise counsel in the world. You can support the EPC by praying for:

• EPC World Outreach global workers around the world.
• EPC’s ambitious church planting and revitalization ministries.
• The range of projects represented in EPC Special Projects.
• The work of the Office of the General Assembly—that the committees and staff would be able to effectively carry out the work assigned to it.