Chaplain Ministries

EPC Chaplains serve under the auspices of the Chaplains Work and Care Committee, and include men and women serving in the military, local police and fire departments, medical care facilities, and other non-military settings.

Church Planting and Revitalization

Church Planting and Revitalization are two of the four Strategic Priorities (the others being Global Movement and Effective Biblical Leadership) that currently are the focus of national EPC ministry efforts.

Ministerial Vocation

The Ministerial Vocation Committee resources churches and pastors in the preparation, calling, development, and care of ministers, and also resources the Ministerial and Candidates Committees of the presbyteries and oversees the ordination testing process.

Next Generation Ministries

Next Generation Ministries is designed to provide resources and methods to equip, provide, and connect those who serve in cradle-to-college (and beyond) discipleship ministries in the local church.

Smaller Church Network

The Smaller Church Network affirms, equips, and encourages leaders of churches with fewer than 200 attendees, and helps them both understand their ministries missionally, and discern their church’s strengths and gifts.

World Outreach

World Outreach (WO) is the international missions arm of the EPC, with the principal calling to glorify God by starting disciple-making movements among least-reached people groups.

Follow Us

Office of the General Assembly
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 930-4239
(407) 930-4247 fax

OGA Staff Contacts