The resources below are provided by a variety of reputable sources, and are designed to help protect your church, your staff, and your congregation. Included are numerous checklists to help you develop protection policies, or review your existing guidelines. Also available are links to best practices, specific state statutes regarding child safety, and Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse (a list of who is required by law to report instances of suspected child abuse).
Note that many of these resources are sample documents or templates. Your church is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. Accordingly, these forms and checklists are provided as guidelines; your policies should be reviewed by your insurance carrier’s recommendations and an attorney in your jurisdiction who specializes in this area of law.
Use these quicklinks to navigate to the appropriate section of this page:
State Statutes
Safety/Protection Resources
Copyright Resources
Sample Applications
Sample Forms
Complete Checklists/Applications/Forms Packet
State Statutes
Searchable database of child welfare, child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption statutes for each State.
Mandatory Reporters
State statutes that identify who is responsible to report suspected child maltreatment.
Brotherhood Mutual Resources
Safety/protection articles, legal assistance, and online training—all designed for churches and related ministries.
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Getting Started on Policies and Procedures
Published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
GuideOne Copyright Resources
Privacy and copyright concerns for live streaming worship services.
Background Screening
Building Security
Developing a Disaster Plan
Driver Screening
First Aid Kit Contents
Keeping Healthy
Nursery Safety
Safeguarding Against Sexual Abuse
Supervising Activities
Violence in the Church
Youth Activities
These printable PDF sample applications are provided by Brotherhood Mutual.
Children's/Youth Work Application
Worker Renewal Application
Activity Participation Agreement Form
Child/Nursery Health Information Form
Notice of Injury Form
Special Medical Needs Agreement Form
Youth Ministry Participant Consent: Communication Policy Form
This printable PDF document includes all the checklists, sample applications, and sample forms above in one convenient file.
Checklists/Applications/Forms Packet
Presented by Forrest Norman, Attorney-at-Law with Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C. Norman is a Ruling Elder for the EPC’s Hudson Presbyterian Church in Hudson, Ohio.
Forrest Norman presented an additional webinar in September 2015 on legal protection issues related to churches. His Powerpoint slides are available on request to EPC churches. To request this resource, please complete the form below.