The Evangelical Presbyterian Church grieves today’s ruling of the Supreme Court, which illustrates the continued disregard for the biblical, traditional, Judeo-Christian values upon which the foundation of our nation was established. As a church, we continue to rest our faith in the sovereign God and the authority of His Holy Word. We pray faithfully for our nation and our leaders as so commanded by Scripture.
We bear no malice toward those with a same-sex attraction; in fact, we love them with the love of Christ. However, as a church we must adhere to the biblical definition of marriage, rather than a cultural one.
We recognize that civil governments adopt policies that do not align with biblical values. However, those policies must never require that people of faith abandon the clear teaching of Scripture, forfeit the right to proclaim those truths, or change their beliefs or practices.
I am thankful to be a part of a congregation that took a stand & has chosen to be associated with the EPC. My beliefs align with the One True God & His Holy Word, and with His followers.
I am grateful to the leadership of the EPC and for our stance affirming and upholding the biblical definition of marriage and that of our covenantal promise.
I am mindful of these words echoed by Donald MacLeod: “Christ identified with those who, morally and spiritually, were totally unlike Himself. As for example the ethical contrast between Christ and the woman taken in adultery is absolute. Even when He becomes her spokesman, Jesus does not become like her. Nor does He condone her sin.
Likewise, an authentic, cross-bearing church must also identify with the despised, the inarticulate, the helpless, the defenseless and the godless. But involvement must never become assimilation.” (Donald MacLeod, From Glory to Golgotha, pg. 154+
Cooper McWhirter
Grace Community Church
Surprise, AZ
Couldn’t agree more with EPC.
Thanks for your thoughts on this, EPC. Not sure that a statement was really necessary, however, as our stance on this has not changed since the “reaffirmation” of biblical marriage made earlier this year (March 2015).
While I pray that our beliefs as people of faith will not be shaken or our rights compromised due to this, I believe that you may want to reconsider your claim about the foundation of this nation. Our country was not founded on “biblical, traditional, Judeo-Christian values,” nay, it was founded upon religious freedom. In fact, the entire reason pilgrims came to this country was to escape religious views being imposed upon them, was it not?
Our founding fathers had the wisdom to place first and foremost in our bill of rights religious freedom. The dogma of a separation of church and state was critical to this freedom, and this is really something that we as Christians need to be aware of. Claiming that the country was founded upon our biblical beliefs and nuances seems to be quite an overstepping of our founding fathers’ intentions. Please also see Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli from 1796 (
Please prayerfully consider this as you view this court ruling. Thank you!
Excellent thoughts on a tricky subject!