If you help administrate EPC Benefits for your church staff members, you will want to be aware of some new tools to assist you with the administrative duties related to EPC Benefits. There have been many changes in recent years regarding benefits, not only from the EPC but also from the United States government, and these resources are designed to keep you and your staff current on these changes and the administrative work we require from you.
- Administrator Benefits Video
- Administrative Quick Reference Guide
- EPC Benefits Handbook
Each of these can be accessed from the Benefits section of www.epc.org under a new tab called Church Administrator Resources.
Church Administrator Benefits Training Video
This video was created to answer questions for your administrative staff, whether they are new to your church or not, and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. Administrative individuals can receive an EPC certificate of completion by watching the video in its entirety and answering the questions at the end. Once completed, the video can be reviewed anytime as a refresher.
Administrative Quick Reference Guide
We encourage you and your administrative professional(s) to print this at-a-glance guide of who to call when you need assistance in a particular area.
EPC Benefits Handbook
This document is a valuable resource concerning the administrative duties related to EPC Benefits policies and practices.
If you need more information or have any questions, contact the EPC Benefits Office at 734-838-6942, 734-838-6948, or diane.pray@epc.org.