Resurrection Sheepshead Bay, the EPC church plant that has grown out of Resurrection Brooklyn’s Hurricane Sandy recovery ministry in south Brooklyn, N.Y., launched its first Sunday worship service on November 22. The congregation meets at the Sheepshead Bay Yacht Club.
Brian Steadman, Resurrection Brooklyn’s Director of Relief and Sheepshead Bay Campus Pastor, said the opening weekend exceeded expectations.
“We had about 75 people for the first service,” he said. “About 50-55 people were from the neighborhood, and we had about 20 family and well-wishers from out of town and other Resurrection Brooklyn congregations.”
He noted that most of the attendees grew out of connections made through three years of Hurricane Sandy recovery in the neighborhood. Last spring, a core group began holding—and inviting neighbors to—prayer meetings twice a month. In the fall, they started inviting people to “launch meetings” in which the leadership cast vision for getting started.
“We have 23 people who have committed to being part of the launch team for at least a year,” Steadman reported.
The church plant is a direct result of efforts through the EPC and Resurrection Brooklyn Relief, a ministry that Resurrection Brooklyn created to serve survivors of Hurricane Sandy in rebuilding and relocation efforts in coastal south Brooklyn neighborhoods.
For more photos of the launch service, see For more information about the Resurrection Sheepshead Bay church plant, see