Please pray for Christian pastor Saeed Abedini who was sentenced in Tehran, Iran on Sunday, Junary 27th to eight years in prison for threatening the national security of Iran through his leadership in Christian house churches. The evidence was based on Abedini’s activities primarily during the early 2000s, when house churches were not considered a threat in Iran.

The 34-year-old father of two denied evangelizing in Iran and claims he had only returned to his native land to help establish an orphanage. Authorities pulled him off a bus last August and threw him into Evin Prison in Tehran. Evin Prison is known as one of the most brutal in Iran.

The leadership of the EPC is also asking all of its members to contact the US State Department and encourage them it do all it can to secure the release of this American citizen. To contact the State Department, write to:

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20520

Or call 202-647-4000.

You can also send them e-mail with this link or these instructions.

  1. Go to U.S. Department of State web site –
  2. Click on “Contact” on the right side of the home page in “Stay Connected with”
  3. Click on “Email a Question/Comment” and type in your message.