On Wednesday, June 10, at 4:00 p.m. EDT, a racially diverse panel of EPC Teaching Elders and other leaders will present a 60-minute webinar, “Leading EPC Sessions and Congregations in Issues of Race and Justice: An Online Seminar on These Times and a Biblical Response.”
The webinar will be hosted by Case Thorp, Moderator of the EPC 39th General Assembly and Teaching Elder in the Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean.
“Several EPC Teaching Elders of color and the Co-Chairmen of the EPC’s Revelation 7:9 Task Force will discuss racial injustices, congregational leadership, and a Reformed and biblical response,” Thorp said. “Our panelists will discuss these timely topics, and there will opportunity for question-and-answer.”
Panelists include:
- Michael Davis, Teaching Pastor of Downtown Church in Memphis, Tenn.;
- Glenn Meyers, Pastor of Ardara United Presbyterian Church in Ardara, Pa., and EPC Moderator-elect;
- Rufus Smith, Lead Pastor of Hope Church in Cordova, Tenn., and Co-Chairman of the Revelation 7:9 Task Force;
- Dean Weaver, Lead Pastor of Memorial Park Presbyterian Church in Allison Park, Pa., and Co-Chairman of the Revelation 7:9 Task Force; and
- Tom Werner, Ruling Elder for Greentree Community Church in Kirkwood, Mo., and Chairman of the EPC National Leadership Team.
For more information and to register, go to www.epc.org/june10webinar.