EPC Benefit Resources, Inc., (BRI) has partnered with Fidelity Investments to provide free quarterly interactive financial planning webinars. The next web workshop, titled “Manage Unexpected Events and Expenses” is Tuesday, June 30, at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern). The webinar will cover topics including:
- How to assess your spending and take control of your budget.
- Considerations for taking money from your workplace retirement plan.
- Ways Fidelity can support you.
“With so much change around us this year and its impact on our economic climate, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and wonder if you should take any action with your retirement savings,” said Bart Francescone, BRI Executive Director. “This webinar is designed to provide answers to important financial questions when the unexpected occurs.”
Francescone added that the webinar will offer opportunity for interactive Q-and-A on retirement planning topics. Although designed for participants in the EPC’s 403(b)(9) Retirement Plan, anyone interested is welcome to register.
To more information and to register, see www.epc.org/2020fidelitymanageunexpectedeventswebinar.
To learn more about the EPC’s 403(b)(9) Retirement Plan, see www.epc.org/benefits/retirement.