Glenn Meyers (left) receives the Moderator’s cross, stole, and questions of investiture from Dean Weaver, Lead Pastor of Memorial Park Presbyterian Church in Allison Park, Pa. (photo credit: Jeff Guetzloe)

Glenn Meyers, Ruling Elder and Commissioned Pastor of Ardara United Presbyterian Church in Ardara, Pa., was elected Moderator of the EPC’s 40th General Assembly on September 17.

In his opening remarks, Meyers said he was “honored to be sitting in this seat today— honored by my Father and honored by all of you to have been be given the privilege and the responsibility of moderating this historic 40th General Assembly of our beloved Evangelical Presbyterian Church.”

He emphasized that the “all true honor for this day is due His Holy Name. Praise the Lord. I am also humbled by the thought of the 40-year history of our denomination and of the many faithful men and women, who in their loving service to God and to one another, have delivered us to this moment. I am thankful for them.”

Meyers recognized a number of faith and life experiences that would contribute to his service in the office, including being a smaller church leader, a Ruling Elder, a Commissioned Pastor, and a person of color.

“Eighty percent our EPC churches are small churches of less than 200 members,” he said. “I am blessed to be shepherding one of those small churches in the village of Ardara in western Pennsylvania—the church that helped to raise me and form my faith.”

He also noted that he brings the perspective of a Ruling Elder serving the Ardara congregation as Commissioned Pastor.

“The EPC has intentionally prioritized the voices of our Ruling Elders,” he said. “And our denomination acknowledges the uniqueness of each person’s call to the gospel ministry and supports leaders to facilitate the work of the Holy Spirit through them. Therefore, we commission pastors.”

Meyers reminded the Assembly that the EPC values diversity, but its core value is the power of the gospel.

“Consistent with the picture given to us by God in Revelation 7:9, we long to reflect the richness of God’s Kingdom,” he said. “I am a black man—a person of color in the leadership of the EPC—and I bring that unique perspective to this calling as Moderator. However, most importantly the Evangelical Presbyterian Church acknowledges the power of the gospel and the redeeming love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In this way I am not unique here. I am a sinner saved by grace. This is the perspective I would like to most powerfully represent among you.”

In his biography as presented in the Nominating Committee report to the 40th General Assembly, Meyers noted that Ardara church went from nearly closing to a now-vital gospel ministry.

“God has done a great work among us,” he wrote. “I am grateful to the pastors, elders, deacons, and church family members who have held the church in trust for future generations while seeking the will of God in the present. We intend to do the same.”

A graduate of Norwin Senior High School in in North Huntingdon, Pa., Meyers studied Organizational Behavior at Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa. He also attended Reformed Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Prior to becoming a Commissioned Pastor, Glenn spent more than 20 years as a Habilitation Therapist and the owner/operator of Habilis Learning Consultants.

“My work with and for adults and children with developmental delays and mental health challenges has been a blessing of profound preparation,” he said.

He and his wife, Heather, have six children and seven—and counting—grandchildren. He noted that all of their children, who range in age from 13 to 31, have professed faith in Christ and are currently working out their salvation and their individual callings.

Meyers also has served as manager of the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum, performed as an actor, and worked as a children’s librarian. He is an Eagle Scout and has toured with a choir through Europe. He enjoys travel, new food experiences, music, the theater, and art.

“God wastes no experiences,” he said. “I am blessed to be part of a church and family in which my very faithful God has begun a good work. With every new opportunity presented by the hand of God, my deepest desire is to honor Him. I am very blessed to be asked to serve Christ’s Church to the Glory of my Father.”