The 2021 EPC Thanksgiving Offering has been designated for a World Outreach project to provide Christian literature and other resources to Afghan refugees in the U.S. and Europe.
“In the Book of Esther, Mordecai wrote to Esther, ‘for such a time as this,’” said Gabriel de Guia, Executive Director of World Outreach. “In the last two months, thousands of Afghans have fled their homeland and reached the U.S. and Europe. God seems to be answering the prayer for Afghans to know Him by opening doors for them to come to us. I was in the Indianapolis airport just last week and saw a group of about 50 Afghan families. There were older people, parents, little kids—the whole spectrum. While they were being led through the terminal by their guides, they were looking around very bewildered. It was very emotional for me, and I said a quick prayer for them. Their situation has to be so, so difficult.”
Contributions to the Thanksgiving Offering will pay for printing and/or reprinting of Christian materials and other media in the Dari and Pashto languages, as well as electronic distribution of the Bible in these translations.
The financial goal for the 2021 Thanksgiving Offering is $20,000. Secure online donations can be made at Text-to-give also is available by texting “epcthanksgivingoffering” to 50155 from any smart device. Donors who prefer to send a check should put “Thanksgiving Offering (041)” on the memo line and send to:
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Attn: Finance Office
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
For help with donations, contact Catherine Rutter, World Outreach Finance Assistant, at (407) 930-4473.
The annual Thanksgiving Offering supports a project approved by the General Assembly each June, alternating between World Outreach and Church Planting/Church Health.