On Sunday, June 5, Middle Sandy Presbyterian Church in Homeworth, Ohio, will celebrate its 200th anniversary. The bicentennial occurred in April 2021, but church leaders postponed the celebration to this month due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s a wonderful opportunity that the Lord has given us because there were so many people having to close their churches and not having attendance, and we are still able to go on,” Ruling Elder Dorothy Burbick told the Canton (Ohio) Repository in an article published on May 28.

Middle Sandy— so named because it sat on the edge of Middle Sandy Creek—was first recognized in 1816. The congregation was first mentioned in Presbytery records in 1820. The first log cabin church building was built in 1825. The current sanctuary was constructed in 1963.

Marc Shefelton serves as Middle Sandy’s Pastor. The church is in the Presbytery of the Alleghenies.