In the Westminster Society’s series of lectures at the 2022 Leadership Institute, Aaron White discussed “Evangelism and Mission in the New Testament.”

“Jesus’ in the euangelizomai in the New Testament, and we see three stages of the Greek word in Luke-Acts. With John the Baptist, it was imminently arriving. With Jesus, it arrived. With the disciples, it is extending,” he said.

“John the Baptist straddles the prophecy and arrival, and points to the imminent arrival of God’s Kingdom. In Jesus, it’s here, it’s near, and it’s coming. In Acts 8, we see ‘now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.’”

White serves as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in South Charleston, Ohio.

The Leadership Institute is part of the EPC’s 42nd General Assembly, June 21-24 at Ward Church in Northville, Mich.
