It is said, “What you measure is what you value.”

In January, the General Assembly office staff begins work on the 2013 Annual Statistical and Financial Report (ASFR). The numbers that make up the ASFR provide a measure of church health in terms of growth or decline. The 2013 report will be a part of the 2014 General Assembly Commissioner’s Handbook.

I’ve been thinking about possible measures (or “metrics”) that might help us evaluate our commitment to a ministry of transformation.

If transformation is about the supernatural power of God the Holy Spirit poured out so that men, women, boys and girls in our communities come to a saving knowledge of and love for Jesus Christ, then those numbers that tell us we’re engaging those who do not yet possess salvation in Jesus Christ (or who have come to a saving knowledge of Christ) could be those “metrics.”

Here’s my list:

  • Number of adult/believer’s baptisms
  • Number of first time conversions
  • Number of visitors (first time and regular)
    • To worship services
    • To mid-week events (such as small groups)
  • Number of new members


  1. Is there value in attempting to measure a ministry of transformation?
  2. Is it possible to measure a ministry of transformation?
  3. Are there other ways we could possibly measure the results of a commitment to transformation?