Set Free 2014 is an exciting way to invest in the lives of women worldwide.  Visit the EPC Women In Ministry web page to explore Set Free 2014:

We are broadening our commitment to women under the oppression of sexual trafficking to include all forms of oppression worldwide.  Check out the resources and educate yourselves on what is happening to our sisters around the globe.  Be part of the solution!

The first half of the year the focus will be on our missionary women who are in cultural contexts of oppression to women.  The Family Gathering of the World Outreach Missionaries is scheduled for July 2014 in Budapest, Hungary.  Women In Ministry wants to encourage the women missionaries attending–around 70–as they gather for renewal.  They will be treated to a special luncheon with time together for the veteran missionaries exchanging stories with those just beginning their journeys. They will reconvene the next day on a boat luncheon trip to continue lifting up one another.  Our churches have opportunity to make this happen!

The second half of the year will focus on taking applications for grants from our women missionaries who wish to work to help the women in their contexts who are undergoing oppression in its various forms.  See the EPC Women In Ministry web page for resources–especially the book and documentary Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.

Our 2014 goal is $20,000.  You can be part of the solution!