Mark Farrell, Pastor of Tampa Covenant Church in Tampa, Fla., is the guest for episode 65 of the EPC’s podcast, “In All Things.”
Host Dean Weaver and Farrell discuss the impact of a high school coach on his faith journey, as well as how Farrell’s 22-year Air Force career prepared him to serve both as a pastor and as Church Health Coordinator for Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean.
Farrell also explains how to develop an evangelistic culture in the church; how the 3 Circles method is a fully biblical, effective tool for personal evangelism among all ages; and how to incorporate the 3 Circles in a variety of avenues in the church.
Episodes are available on a variety of podcast platforms, including Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and others. Search “In All Things” on any of these services.
The audio recordings also are available on the EPC website at