Online registration for the 43rd General Assembly/Gospel Priorities Summit is now open. The Assembly meets June 20-22 at Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch, Colo. The theme of this year’s annual meeting is “Sharpen,” based on Ephesians 4:12, “… to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ …”
The three-day gathering features plenary speakers each day and breakout sessions on Thursday, all focused on the EPC’s four Gospel Priorities of Church Health, Church Planting, Effective Biblical Leadership, and Global Movement.
“The EPC exists to carry out the Great Commission, and those four priorities are the way we do that,” said Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk. “In the past, our Leadership Institute concluded on Wednesday. This year our equipping is interspersed with business across each day—that’s the ’Gospel Priorities Summit.’ Based on feedback from last year’s attendees, we will have more of a conference feel as opposed to primarily a business meeting with some equipping at the front.”
Plenary session topics include:
- Church Planting on Tuesday morning, featuring Michael Carrion, Vice President of Church Planting and Leadership Development for Redeemer City to City in New York, N.Y. He will speak on “A Gospel- and Mission-Centric Movement” and “A Compelling Narrative and Hermeneutic for Evangelism.”
- Global Movement on Tuesday afternoon with “Sharpening Our Focus on the 3 Billion” featuring John Love, Mary Ho, and Matthew Ellison. Love is an EPC Teaching Elder serving with EPC World Outreach and Pioneers; Ho is the International Executive Leader of All Nations International; and Ellison is the President of Sixteen:Fifteen.
- Church Health on Wednesday morning, with sessions on “Celebrating Evangelism in EPC” with Jeff Moore, Bob Stauffer, Thomas D, and Mark V.; and “Love Thy Neighborhood” with Keon Abner, Founding Pastor of Bridge City Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and Marc de Jeu, Church Health Coordinator and Mission Mobilizer for the Presbytery of the Alleghenies. Moore serves as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Aurora, Ill.; Stauffer is the EPC’s National Director of Church Health; and D and V serve with EPC World Outreach.
- Effective Biblical Leadership on Wednesday afternoon with EPC Assistant Stated Clerk Michael Davis discussing “What Is an Effective Biblical Leader?”
For complete information about the speakers and topics—as well as details on the Thursday breakout sessions—see
The first of five business sessions convenes on Tuesday afternoon, June 20, at 3:00 p.m. (Mountain).
Worship service speakers include:
- Mark Farrell, Pastor of Tampa Covenant Church in Tampa, Fla.
- Shelley Kral, Associate Pastor of Longview EPC in Longview, Texas.
- Rosemary Lukens, Moderator of the 42nd General Assembly.
- Curt Taylor, Senior Pastor of host church Cherry Hills Community Church.
- Aaron White, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in South Charleston, Ohio.
Other gatherings include a wide variety of Networking Lunches each day, as well as meetings specific to World Outreach, women’s ministry, ministry wives, and more.
Early registration runs until May 15, with a registration fee of $295 per person. New this year is that the registration fee includes lunch each day, while on-campus dinners Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are optional at a cost of $30 per person. The $50 early registration discount ends on May 15, when the fee increases to $345 per person. Late registration begins June 15 with a fee of $395 per person.
For complete information and to register, see