You have questions … we have answers about the EPC’s 43rd General Assembly/Gospel Priorities Summit. This year’s Assembly takes place June 20-22 at Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch, Colo.
“I get lots of questions about GA,” said Marti Ratcliff, General Assembly Team Lead in the EPC Office of the General Assembly. “I am happy to answer those calls and emails, but we thought it would be helpful to communicate the answers to those that I get most often.”
Q: I submitted the Ruling Elder Commissioner Certification Form for our church. Do these REs still need to register for GA?
A: Yes, all Commissioners (TE and RE) need to register for the Assembly. This is separate from being certified by their church.
Q. I only want to attend one session during the Assembly. Do I still need to register?
A. Yes, but if you are only attending one session on one day you can purchase a Day Pass at a reduced rate. This is available through the online registration form.
Q. Is there a discount for Commissioner spouses to attend GA?
A. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a spouse discount this year. We do everything we can to keep costs down but everything, especially in Colorado, has gone up since last year. The cost to put on GA is approximately $300,000. Our average in-person attendance—except for the virtual and hybrid Assemblies in 2020 and 2021—has been about 1,000. This is how we calculate the registration fee each year. Also, we check with other denominations and organizations that hold similar events. We have been the outlier related to spouse fees. Even with a flat rate this year, our registration fee is less than similar meetings.
Q: I saw a category on the registration form for WO Child. Can I being my kids and register them as a WO child?
A: No. We only provide childcare for our World Outreach global workers. This is not solely an EPC decision, but also involves the host church and state regulations regarding vetted childcare workers.
Q: What hotels have a discounted EPC General Assembly rate?
A: None. The cost and administrative load involved with hotel contracts for GA has become prohibitive. We now recommend online hotel booking sites like expedia, kayak,, etc., to find a room that fits your budget. In addition, vacation rental homes such as Airbnb and vrbo are an increasingly popular option for people who are open to sharing accommodations.
“I am very excited about our time together at Cherry Hills in June and look forward with anticipation for what God is going to do in our midst,” said Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk.
Online registration with a cost of $295 per person runs until May 15. The registration fee includes lunch each day, while on-campus dinners Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are optional at a cost of $30 per person. The $50 early registration discount ends on May 15, when the fee increases to $345 per person. Late registration begins June 15 with a fee of $395 per person.
For more information and to register, see