We are continuing to welcome registrations for our 2023 EPC Pastor-Spouse Retreat, which will be held October 23-27 at Glen Eyrie Castle & Conference Center in Colorado Springs, Colo.
As a reminder, this invitation is for all EPC pastors, and if you’re married I hope your spouse will join you for this opportunity to be refreshed by the Lord. Please register by September 15 if you plan to join us!
We will be led on this retreat by the staff from PastorServe, who will encourage us in …
Pursuing Relational Health
Healthy relationships are crucial to our well-being and ability to thrive in life and ministry. “Relationships are where the rubber of the gospel meets the road of everyday life…where redeemed, restored people live the good news.”
But relationships, whether strong or struggling, have been under tremendous pressure in recent years, and those pressures have done something in us and between us.
We’ll unpack some of those pressures and their impact and explore practical ways to strengthen our relationships in every area of life: family, friendships, church, and community. Each day we’ll interact around key practices that lead to relational health, giving an opportunity to consider God’s gracious invitation to grow in and through our relationships.
The cost for this retreat is $550 per person ($1,100 per couple) and includes accommodations for four nights on Glen Eyrie’s breathtaking grounds and 11 delicious meals in the Castle Dining Room.
I hope you will consider joining us at Glen Eyrie October 23-27! For complete information and to register, see www.epc.org/2023pastorspouseretreat. Please register by September 15 to claim your spot!
Grace and peace to you in Jesus,
Annie Rose
Director of Ministerial Support & Development