Every disaster is a call to prayer.   That is where we start.

At this time, we are unsure of what is the best way to help in Maui or what the needs might be in the western part of the US after the hurricane and earthquake.

There are no EPC churches on Maui, so we are looking for the best avenues to assist the people affected by this tragedy.   The large relief agencies are there now, and we will be reaching out to them to see how we can connect with them and the people working there now providing services to those displaced.

Regarding the West Coast and Hurricane Hilary, we are waiting to hear back from the two EPC Presbyteries there to see what their congregations’ needs are. Once we know that, we can make decisions on how to assist there.

Many of you have emailed asking how your churches can support those in Maui or those that are affected by the West Coast hurricane. As we pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit on how best to use our resources, we would encourage you to give to the EPC Domestic Emergency Relief Fund. You can mark your donations Maui Wildfires or Hurricane Hilary if you desire.   You can give thru this link: https://epc.org/donate/emergencyrelief or thru the QR Code below.

We will keep you informed as we move forward.  Please join us in prayer for all of those whose lives have been torn apart by these disasters.