As the world knows, on October 7th the terrorist group Hamas launched a military operation into Israel. The shock waves of the attack are shaking that region and impacting our World Outreach workers and partners. We grieve at the incredible losses and mourn with those suffering across the world. We are monitoring the situation very closely and are in constant contact with our workers. We have already evacuated one of our teams to a secure location. Our workers are safe, and we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure they remain out of harm’s way.  As the scriptures direct us, we are praying for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6)

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Gifts to the International Disaster Relief Fund make it possible for us to take action and care for our workers during calamities such as this. Please continue to pray for our workers, for the innocent who are suffering, and for God’s shalom to break through the violence.

Dean Weaver, Stated Clerk of the EPC

Gabriel de Guia, Executive Director of EPC World Outreach