Every year, EPC’s Women In Ministry has a mission project funded through the generous gifts of our churches and some women’s groups. The project for 2014 has been to fund the special programming for 57 women global workers and 8 college women who gathered at the Family Gathering in Budapest, Hungary, in June. Funding over and above the program expenses is providing limited grants to EPC missionaries who apply to work in a holistic ministry to heal, restore, and redirect the lives of women who have been oppressed in the communities in which they serve. Click here to give online, or make checks payable to EPC Women In Ministry and send to:

Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Attention: Set Free Project (033)
17197 N. Laurel Park Dr., Suite 567
Livonia, MI  48152

The Faith Focus for 2015 will be designated for Women of Hope International, which serves women in Sierra Leone who have been marginalized due to disability. Recently, Women of Hope International has been educating these women about the Ebola virus.