Many of you know about my annual effort to receive food donations for the Care & Share Food Bank and monetary donations for the Springs Rescue Mission here in Colorado Springs, in conjunction with my extensive Christmas display. With all the people coming by to see my display, I started my partnership with Care & Share 10 years ago (yes, this is my 10th Anniversary) and then added the Mission for those that didn’t have food to donate.
That said, I wanted to let you know about how things went with my Donation Drive for Care & Share and the Springs Rescue Mission this past Christmas season.
It is GREAT News!! Timberline Landscaping who I’ve partnered with, came by with their truck Monday morning and brought all my food over to Care and Share Food Bank. The total food collected weighed in at 3,144 pounds (exceeding my 3,000-pound goal (Yay!!), plus I received $170.00 which converts to 850 pounds. So that brings my total for this year to 3,944 pounds!!! (Even bigger YAY!!!)
The money I raised for Springs Rescue Mission wonderfully came to $1,672.00!! $251 of that was my FB fundraiser. They will be coming by tomorrow, Friday, to pick up those donations. These were both big increases from last year, and I credit much of that to both the media and people spreading the word.
Thanks to those of you who had this in your thoughts and prayers!
I’m including links to both a write up the local Newspaper the Gazette did, and also a video from KKTV, channel 11. I had great media coverage from three of the network stations here! It will give you a great overview of what I do and why. I hope you enjoy them!
Rich Blessings,
Rev. (Chaplain) Mark Ingles
Chaplain Endorser
KKTV Friday Edition:
Thank you so much for posting this story with all my EPC brothers and sisters! It’s a joy for me to have an impact like this in the Colorado Springs community and beyond, and how God has blessed these efforts in wonderful ways!