Stefan Bomberger, Pastor of Manoa Community Church in Havertown, Pa., and Church Health Coordinator for the EPC’s Presbytery of the East, is the guest for episode 64 of the EPC’s podcast, “In All Things.”

Host Dean Weaver and Bomberger discuss three aspects of church health in the EPC—evangelism, revitalization, and transitional pastorates. In addition, Bomberger explains how and why Manoa Community Church went into “growth mode” during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how the denomination’s Church Health Team helps congregations develop an evangelistic culture.

Episodes are available on a variety of podcast platforms, including Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and others. Search “In All Things” on any of these services.

The audio recordings also are available on the EPC website at