by EPC Admin | Mar 31, 2020 | Denominational News, Events, Social Issues, Uncategorized
The EPC and its 143,000 members are uniting in prayer and fasting with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) on Good Friday, April 10. The historic, ecumenical effort is a response to the coronavirus (COVID-19)...
by EPC Admin | Feb 20, 2020 | College Ministries, Events, Next Generation Ministries, Pastors, People, Student and College Ministries, Uncategorized
Dean Weaver, Pastor of Memorial Park Presbyterian Church in Allison Park, Pa., and Moderator of the EPC’s 37th General Assembly, is a featured speaker for the Jubilee 2020 Conference hosted by the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO). Jubilee is CCO’s annual...
by EPC Admin | Jan 17, 2020 | Events, Leadership Development, Ministers, Pastors, People, Uncategorized
Fifteen pastors of EPC churches with membership of 500-1000 discussed a variety of topics relevant to their ministries and settings at their annual gathering, held January 15-17 at the Office of the General Assembly in Orlando. The group meets each year for...
by EPC Admin | Dec 12, 2019 | Events, Uncategorized, World Outreach
What are you doing this summer? EPC World Outreach is planning three mission projects among non-native people groups in the United States in July 2020—one designed for families and two intended for high school students. Each of the six-day experiences are in...
by EPC Admin | Nov 1, 2019 | Church Planting, Events, Uncategorized
by Case Thorp Moderator of the 39th General Assembly Escaping the swamp of Florida’s heat and humidity is always a welcomed occasion. Such was just a side benefit of joining the EPC Church Planter’s Retreat in Colorado Springs in October. Little did I know how on-fire...
by EPC Admin | Oct 25, 2019 | Church Administration, Church Revitalization, Events, Leadership Development, People, Resources, Uncategorized
At the first of two EPC Executive Pastor/Church Administrator workshops, noted church leadership coach and consultant Mike Bonem discussed the topic “Managing change for revitalization.” The event was held October 24-25 in Denver, Colo. In his presentation, Bonem...