by EPC Admin | Sep 7, 2017 | Events, Global Movement, Uncategorized, World Outreach
The 2017 World Outreach Forum will address the topic of “Mobilizing our churches for global movement” by addressing ways EPC congregations can: Impart vision to reach the lost through short-term mission trips, Directly engage unreached people groups in their local...
by EPC Admin | May 11, 2017 | Chaplains, Events, General Assembly Meeting, Leadership Development, People, Uncategorized
Imagine that you have been assigned as the U.S. Army chaplain to the leaders of the German High Command on trial for war crimes following World War II. How would you minister to men who had intentionally, willfully, and systematically murdered millions of people? Now...
by EPC Admin | Jan 23, 2017 | College Ministries, Events, Leadership Development, Student and College Ministries, Student Ministries, Uncategorized One of the EPC’s strategies for reaching and building Next Generation leaders is through its strategic partnership with Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO). Through that partnership, any EPC leader...
by EPC Admin | Dec 16, 2016 | Denominational News, Events, Leadership Development, Resources, Uncategorized
Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Orlando is offering a course in EPC polity during its upcoming Winter 2017 term. The class will meet January 9-12 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Subjects to be studied include polity, discipline, EPC history, and current...
by EPC Admin | Dec 13, 2016 | Church Revitalization, Denominational News, Events, Leadership Development, Resources, Uncategorized
The EPC Office of the General Assembly is hosting a Transitional Pastor training seminar January 30 through February 2, 2017, in Orlando, Fla. Bill Enns, EPC Associate Executive for Collaborative Ministries, said the event is designed for those who serve in interim...
by EPC Admin | Oct 5, 2016 | Events, Global Movement, Uncategorized, World Outreach
While every Sunday is a good Sunday to remember our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ throughout the world who suffer for their faith, November 6 and 13 have been designated International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) by the World Evangelical...