Episode 123: Things You Might Not Have Known About The Sermon on the Mount and Apologetics | A Third Discussion with Holly Lazzaro, Author and Founder of Study with Friends Ministries

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Holly Lazzaro, author and founder of Study with Friends Ministries, for part three of their discussion. In this episode, Holly shares indepth about her book on The Sermon on the Mount as well as several practical ways to engage...

Episode 122: A Guide to Navigate and Engage in Digital Ministries | A Discussion with Holly Lazzaro, Author and Founder of Study with Friends Ministries

  Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Holly Lazzaro, author and founder of Study with Friends Ministries, for part two of their discussion. In this episode, Holly gives practical advice to help Christian leaders and churches consider how to engage in the...

Episode 119: The Church as a Reflection of Eternity | A Discussion with Rufus Smith, Pastor at Hope Church in Cordova, Tennessee

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Rufus Smith, pastor at Hope Church in Cordova, Tennessee, where the EPC will be having its 44th General Assembly and Gospel Priorities Summit. Rufus touches on General Assembly and all they have planned at Hope, and also shares...

Episode 118: The Architecture of Truth | A Discussion with Pastor, Professor and Author, Rodger Woodworth

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Rev. Dr. Rodger Woodworth, a longtime member of the EPC, who carries titles of pastor, professor and author. Rodgers newest book, The Architecture of Truth, as well as this podcast, engages with the idea of reclaiming truth in a...