Episode 114: Three Times More Likely | Reasons Behind Young People Staying Connected to Their Faith and the Church, a Discussion with Jen Burkholder of CCO and Lead Pastor Josh Brown

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Jen Burkholder, Director of Strategic Partnerships at CCO and Josh Brown, Lead Pastor at Bellefield Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, PA. to discuss one of the secrets behind young people staying in the church post-college...

Episode 113: Filling and Fixing | Connecting the Sovereign Dots of Your Life, a Discussion with Darrin Grove, CEO of Truefit and Jubilee Professional Speaker.

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Darrin Grove, CEO of truefit, Co-Founder of OnlineGiving.org to discuss a life-changing perspective every Christian can have regarding their vocation and occupation. Darrin is a speaker at this years Jubilee Professional...

“In All Things” podcast episode 102 with Dave Robinson, Executive Director of Church Movements for CRU, EPC TE and author of Unwavering Resolve

Dave Robinson, EPC Teaching Elder, author, and Executive Director of Church Movements at CRU, joins host, Dean Weaver, for this new episode of “In All Things”. Dean and his guest discuss global church movements and his new book “Unwavering Resolve: A guide for...