by EPC Admin | Nov 23, 2020 | Church Revitalization, Denominational News, Events, Ministers, Pastors, People, Resources, Small Church, Uncategorized
The EPC’s 2020-2021 virtual Church Revitalization Workshop continues on Wednesday, November 25, with the topic, “Revitalization of the Pastor.” The discussion will focus on areas specific to the spiritual revitalization of the pastor and will include such topics as...
by EPC Admin | Nov 9, 2020 | Church News, Church Planting, Global Movement, Ministers, Pastors, People, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
What do Pittsburgh, Orlando, and Marsh Harbor in the Bahamas have in common? For two EPC ordination candidates and their families, Orlando is the middle link in a chain that stretches more than 1,000 miles across two countries. On September 3, Jude and Keitra Vilma...
by EPC Admin | Oct 30, 2020 | Church Revitalization, Denominational News, Events, Leadership Development, Ministers, Pastors, People, Resources, Uncategorized
On October 28, a panel of EPC pastors experienced in church revitalization kicked off the 2020-2021 Church Revitalization Workshop. The series of interactive videoconference workshops will continue on the fourth Wednesday of each month through May 2021 (except...
by EPC Admin | Oct 28, 2020 | Church News, Church Planting, Ministers, Pastors, People, Uncategorized
In 2016, Central West End Church (CWE) in St. Louis, Mo., planted itself at a literal dividing line in the city: one block south of Del Mar Boulevard. The Del Mar Divide, as it is known, is a dividing line of wealth, prosperity, race, and perspective. Pastor Eric...
by EPC Admin | Oct 22, 2020 | Church News, Church Planting, Ministers, Pastors, People, Small Church, Uncategorized
For born-again believers, there is no doubt of God’s providence in every aspect and detail of His creation—and that intricately includes His Church. That truth has vividly played out over the past several years for a small, southeastern North Carolina congregation....
by EPC Admin | Oct 14, 2020 | Church Revitalization, Denominational News, Events, Ministers, Pastors, People, Resources, Small Church
Beginning Wednesday, October 28, a panel of EPC pastors who have led church revitalization efforts will host a monthly virtual Church Revitalization Workshop. The content for the series was originally developed for the 2020 Leadership Institute, which was cancelled...