Episode 147: Why We Plant Churches | A Discussion with South Regional Church Planting Director, Richard Rieves About the Trends, Challenges, and Benefits of Church Planting

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes South Regional Church Planting Director, Richard Rieves, to talk about trends in the culture and how church planting remains a unique solution to reaching the world with the Gospel. 

Episode 144: A Beautiful Tension: Reflecting Your Community While Remaining Countercultural | Discussions About Church Planting with Pastor Justin Garrett

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes Justin Garrett, church planter and pastor at Athens KC. In this episode, Justin shares his heart and story the story behind planting a church in Kansas City, Missouri, while giving encouragement and practical advice to ministry...

Episode 131: Faces and Voices from GA 2024, Part 1 | A General Assembly Discussion with Five Leaders of the 44th General Assembly

Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk, welcomes five guests this week for a two-part series preparing us for the 44th General Assembly.  Those participating in this podcast are upcoming moderator, Victor Jones, EPC Chief Parliamentarian, Bob Garment, Hannah Attaway of Hope...