by EPC Admin | Feb 27, 2018 | Denominational News, Events, Ministers, Pastors, People, Uncategorized
EPC Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah and his wife, Cindy, will represent the denomination at the private memorial service for Billy Graham on Friday, March 2, at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, N.C. “We are beyond honored to be invited to this celebration of Billy...
by EPC Admin | Feb 15, 2018 | Andrew Brunson, Pastors, People, Uncategorized
by Jeff Jeremiah EPC Stated Clerk Your continued, fervent prayers for our brother in Christ, EPC Teaching Elder Andrew Brunson, are most appreciated and much needed. February has been very difficult for him. On February 7 (the day marking his 16th month in captivity),...
by EPC Admin | Feb 13, 2018 | Chaplains, Ministers, People, Uncategorized
“We’ll Meet Again,” a documentary series airing on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) will feature the story of EPC chaplain Tim Mallard’s encounter with a Navy chaplain following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon. The segment is part of the...
by EPC Admin | Jan 19, 2018 | Ministers, Pastors, People, Uncategorized
Dr. James Frazier “Jim” Van Dyke, Moderator of the 1983 General Assembly, died January 17 in his longtime home of Rome, Ga. He was 89. He was involved in the founding of the EPC and in 1992 was named one of five “Fathers of the Church.” A native of Jewel Ridge, Va.,...
by EPC Admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Ministers, People, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Rev. Dr. Paul Heidebrecht, Moderator of the 26th General Assembly and current Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the Rivers and Lakes, died at home in West Chicago, Ill., on January 2. He was 67. A native of Winnipeg, Canada, he was raised in a Mennonite immigrant...
by EPC Admin | Dec 21, 2017 | Chaplains, People, Uncategorized
For the fourth consecutive year, EPC Chaplain Endorser Mark Ingles has leveraged his home Christmas display to benefit the Care and Share Food Bank of Southern Colorado. In 2016, he collected approximately 650 pounds of canned and dry goods from people who stopped in...