by EPC Admin | Sep 16, 2015 | Church Planting, People
Rev. Dr. David George, Director of Church Planter Residency at Christ Church East Bay (Calif.) died on September 12 following a brief illness. He joined the East Bay staff in 2014 to direct the church planting residency program under the auspices of the EPC Church...
by EPC Admin | Sep 15, 2015 | People
Rush Sherrill Jr., Ruling Elder at Faith Liberation Community Christian Church in Charlotte, N.C., and a member of the EPC Church Planting and Revitalization Committee, passed away on August 18. He was 68. Sherrill served in the U.S. Army and was a founding elder of...
by EPC Admin | Aug 13, 2015 | People, World Outreach
George Carey, former Director of World Outreach, is hosting a Project Mercy vision trip to Ethiopia, March 14-21, 2016. Project Mercy ministers in the East African nation through a variety of programs designed to alleviate human suffering and overcome systemic...
by EPC Admin | Aug 10, 2015 | People
W. Frank Johnson, longtime EPC Ruling Elder, died August 2 following a lengthy illness. He was 80. He served as Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the East from 1996 until his retirement in 2004, and at the time of his death was an elder for First Presbyterian Church...
by EPC Admin | Jul 24, 2015 | Chaplains, People
Col. Timothy S. Mallard, Command Chaplain at the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and Fort Gordon (Ga.) received the Ph.D. in Christian Ethics from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Lampeter, Wales, on July 10. His dissertation examines Dietrich...
by EPC Admin | Jun 24, 2015 | General Assembly Meeting, People
Mike Moses, Pastor of Lake Forest Church in Huntersville, N.C., was elected Moderator of the EPC 35th General Assembly on Wednesday at First Presbyterian Church in Orlando, Fla. The vote was unanimous. “The greatest honor in my life is to weekly open the Word of...