by EPC Admin | Jun 18, 2015 | Denominational News, People
Bill Enns has been chosen to fill a new interim Associate Executive position at the Office of the General Assembly. Enns will serve alongside Ed McCallum, Assistant Stated Clerk, and Phil VanValkenburg, Chief Operating Officer. The appointment is for two years and...
by EPC Admin | May 7, 2015 | People
Reformation21 recently featured a two-part essay on preaching written by Mike Glodo, former EPC Stated Clerk and current Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. His essay is a response to the question, “Given that contemporary...
by EPC Admin | May 5, 2015 | Pastors, People
Clayton Jonathan Whitley, 3-year-old son of Jonathan and Tara Whitley, died on Friday, May 1, following a brief illness. Jonathan serves as Pastor of First Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Anna, Ill. Clayton is survived by his parents; two brothers, Ross William...
by EPC Admin | Apr 9, 2015 | People
Dave Sturkey, Pastor of Community Church of Ephrata (Wash.) died on Monday, April 5. He was 52. He had recently undergone successful heart bypass surgery and was recovering at home. A native of Hopewell, Va., Sturkey graduated from Columbia International University in...
by EPC Admin | Apr 8, 2015 | Denominational News, People
Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah and Dean Weaver represented the EPC at the Fourth General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 23-27. The EPC has been a member of the WRF since 2000. Weaver is a member of the Committee on...
by EPC Admin | Jan 8, 2015 | People, World Outreach
George Carey, former EPC World Outreach Director, recently began serving as Director of Church Development for Project Mercy, an international relief and development agency based in Fort Wayne, Ind. Project Mercy ministers primarily in the Yetebon community of...