Son of God

Jeff Jeremiah Feb 11, 2014 “Son of God” gives your church a great opportunity to reach into your community with the good news of Jesus Christ! The movie will be released in about 3,000 theaters nationwide on February 28. Produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, “Son...

“The Bible” opens this Sunday

Jeff Jeremiah Feb 28, 2013 “The Bible” is an epic five-week, 10-hour television mini-series premiering March 3, 2013 on the History Channel @ 8pm (cable TV), from Emmy-Award winning husband and wife team, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. For two hours each Sunday night,...

Saeed Abedini Update

Jeff Jeremiah Feb 26, 2013 Thank you for praying for and for voicing to the U.S. government your concern for Saeed Abedini, a pastor and American citizen imprisoned in Iran.  It would be wonderful to report that his prospects are good, but this is not the case.  On...