by EPC Admin | May 23, 2019 | Events, Ministers, Pastors, People, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
The EPC’s Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean held its first-ever meeting in Puerto Rico May 17-18, 2019. The 87th stated meeting of the presbytery was held at Iglesia Presbiteriana Westminster (Westminster Presbyterian Church) in Bayamón, a suburb of San Juan. In...
by EPC Admin | Mar 14, 2019 | Denominational News, Leadership Development, Ministers, Pastors, People, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Members of the Ministerial Vocation Committee (MVC) and Presbytery Ministerial and Candidates Committee Chairs met March 12-13 at the Office of the General Assembly in Orlando. The MVC addresses ministerial issues at the national level of the EPC, and the Presbytery...
by EPC Admin | Aug 24, 2018 | Leadership Development, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Moderators of the EPC’s 14 presbyteries met at the Office of the General Assembly in Orlando, August 23-24. Among the topics of discussion were successes and challenges in each presbytery over the past year, initiatives for the coming year, as well as sharing...
by EPC Admin | Jun 25, 2018 | Church News, General Assembly Meeting, Ministers, Pastors, People, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Seven churches joined the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in the reporting period of May 23, 2017, through June 1, 2018. The new EPC churches were announced on June 22 at the 38th General Assembly at Hope Church in Cordova, Tenn. Ken Roberts, Moderator of the 32nd EPC...
by EPC Admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Ministers, People, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Rev. Dr. Paul Heidebrecht, Moderator of the 26th General Assembly and current Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the Rivers and Lakes, died at home in West Chicago, Ill., on January 2. He was 67. A native of Winnipeg, Canada, he was raised in a Mennonite immigrant...
by EPC Admin | Sep 1, 2017 | Church News, Emergency Relief, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Amidst the devastation in southeast Texas caused by Hurricane Harvey, a number of EPC congregations in the region have been affected. On August 31, the Presbytery of the Gulf South hosted leaders of Houston-area EPC churches via conference call to assess damage from...