by EPC Admin | Aug 15, 2017 | General Assembly Meeting, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Commissioners to the 37th General Assembly approved four amendments to the EPC Book of Government. These amendments address the following topics: Specifying terms of service for an out-of-bounds call. Expanding areas of authority that may be given to a presbytery’s...
by EPC Admin | Jun 27, 2017 | General Assembly Meeting, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Commissioners to the EPC 37th General Assembly approved dividing the Presbytery of the Pacific into a new Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest and Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest, effective January 1, 2018. Annie Rose, Ruling Elder from Immanuel Presbyterian Church...
by EPC Admin | Nov 14, 2016 | Church Planting, Global Movement, Presbytery News, Uncategorized
The EPC and National Presbyterian Church of Mexico (INPM) ratified a fraternal relationship on September 8 that focuses on church planting in both countries. In October, the EPC was notified that three INPM presbyteries are ready to initiate a relationship with EPC...
by EPC Admin | Aug 12, 2015 | Presbytery News
In partnership with the Presbytery of the Alleghenies, Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pa., has developed a Presbyterian Track for its Master of Divinity curriculum. EPC Pastor Rich Herbster, Trinity’s Director of Presbyterian Studies, said the school has...
by EPC Admin | Mar 25, 2015 | Denominational News, Presbytery News
The EPC and St. Andrews Presbytery in Argentina have finalized a new five-year fraternal agreement, which now goes to the Fraternal Relations Committee for review and the 2015 General Assembly for approval. Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah and Committee on Administration...
by Ritchey Cable | Oct 17, 2013 | Presbytery News, Uncategorized
Jeff Jeremiah Oct 17, 2013 Thirty-six members and guests of the Presbytery of the West met for its annual retreat on October 1-3 at Lost Valley Ranch, Colorado. Brian Post, pastor of Christ Fellowship Church in Ft. Collins, CO led the gathering. The theme of this...