by EPC Admin | Feb 7, 2017 | Ministers, Pastors, Social Issues, Uncategorized, URGENT
Technical issues have plagued the “Forgotten American in Turkey” petition at since it launched on February 6. While tested prior to release, when published it was discovered that the signature counter...
by EPC Admin | Feb 6, 2017 | Ministers, Pastors, Social Issues, Uncategorized, URGENT
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church has launched a “Forgotten American in Turkey” petition in an effort to bring Andrew Brunson’s imprisonment in Turkey to the attention of the White House and President Trump. Brunson is an EPC teaching elder who was arrested in...
by EPC Admin | May 5, 2016 | General Assembly Meeting, Uncategorized, URGENT
Jeff Jeremiah I have good reason to believe the EPC—specifically the GA staff team responsible for putting on our General Assembly—is under spiritual attack. In response, I am asking all our churches to make this a matter of intentional and regular prayer between now...