JubileeLogoThe EPC’s strategic partnership with Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) is our vehicle for reaching and building Next Generation leaders. Through that partnership, any EPC leader may attend CCO’s 2016 Jubilee Conference at no cost for registration. Jubilee will be held February 19-21 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh, Pa. The annual event attracts more than 3,000 attendees each year.

The three-day conference normally costs approximately $300 per person. In addition to the waived registration fee, EPC leaders are offered a special half-price ($100 per night) rate at the Omni William Penn Hotel.

The EPC’s own Rufus Smith, Senior Pastor of Hope Church in Memphis, Tenn., is the Saturday evening featured speaker. Smith previously served as Pastor of City of Refuge Church in Houston, Texas, and was the lead chaplain for the NBA’s Houston Rockets for three years.

A special gathering time for all EPC leaders in attendance is scheduled, and confirmed participants include Bill Enns, Associate Executive for the Office of the General Assembly; Tom Ricks, Chair of the EPC Church Planting Team; and Dean Weaver; Lead Pastor of Memorial Park Church in suburban Pittsburgh and member of the EPC Committee on Administration.

Now in its 40th year, the Jubilee Conference helps college students talk, learn, think, and dream about the public implications of their personal transformation. Not just for those pursuing a career in ministry, Jubilee is for students interested in engineering, science, art, music, law, politics, medicine, justice, families (or any other area of study) and helps them understand how to be involved in those places faithfully—both in college and the years to come.

From its beginnings in 1971, CCO’s vision has been that campus ministry is not a replacement for church involvement but a supplement to it, and therefore works in partnership with local congregations. CCO staff members serve as an arm of the local church on college campuses, reaching out to students who otherwise might not come to church on their own. All CCO staff members encourage students to attend church and invite them to get involved in local congregations.

Free registration is available to any EPC elder, pastor, church or presbytery staff member, or other leader as a ministry of the EPC Student and College Ministries (SCM) Committee. One of the committee’s primary goals is to further develop EPC’s partnership with CCO to help growing numbers of EPC churches develop or improve their ministry to college students and millennials.

Click here for the conference schedule and other information, including a brief video message from Rev. Josh Brown, pastor at Bellefield Presbyterian Church, about the value and impact of the Jubilee Conference.

To register, go to www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1732869. For more information, see the CCO website at www.ccojubilee.org or contact Elliott Simko, CCO Partnership Coordinator, at esimko@ccojubilee.org.