In the January 2019 edition of The Jeremiah Journal, EPC Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah discusses why Effective Biblical Leadership is a strategic priority for the EPC.
The Jeremiah Journal is a monthly video blog hosted on the EPC’s YouTube channel at Each month’s update also is posted to EPConnection and the EPC’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.
For a transcript of this month’s edition in printable pdf format, click here.
This is yet another excellent presentation by Dr. Jeremiah; clear, concise, yet richly informative.
The translation work of RE Alfredo Aponte-Cordova in his “translating of the EPC’s constitutional documents into Spanish,” is an incredibly monumental task and, obviously, a labor of love.
“…could it be that EPC churches—modeling who we are in our neighborhoods and communities—could serve as a place of civil conversation and connection? Could our congregations be a place of reconciliation for men and women looking for a refuge from all the destructive noise and anger?”
I think it imperative that local EPC churches and the greater EPC, in their noble task of being places where “civil conversations” can take place and where they can be congregations where reconciliation can be fostered, do not practically lose their distinctives in so doing (not that they are).
The EPC makes it plain, on it extremely well-designed and helpful website, who they are and from what biblical and theological perspective they seek to carry out the work of the Lord: “The EPC exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus as a denomination of Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional congregations.” It can become tempting (“practical”) to attenuate EPC’s Reformed theological distinctives in its desire to be appealing as a place of reconciliation and refuge specifically, and in its overall desire to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission. May it never be.