EPNewsHurricaneMariaReliefIn response to Hurricane Maria’s devastating impact on Puerto Rico, the EPC has launched an emergency relief fund to help with recovery efforts. The EPC’s Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean has three churches in Puerto Rico.

“Here we go again, following hurricanes Harvey and Irma,” said Jeff Jeremiah, EPC Stated Clerk. “But the reality is that the need in Puerto Rico is perhaps greater than we can imagine. The entire island is without electricity, and reports coming out indicate catastrophic damage. Thankfully, we heard from Juan Rivera, our pastor in Bayamón, and he said he is safe but reported ‘great destruction’ in the San Juan area where he lives. The recovery in Puerto Rico is likely to be a long one with many opportunities for ministry and witness.”

Click here to donate online (Choose “Emergency Relief” from the first pulldown menu and “Hurricane Maria Relief (508)” from the second pulldown menu,) or make check payable to Evangelical Presbyterian Church and designated “Hurricane Maria Relief,” and send to:

Evangelical Presbyterian Church
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822

Donations to the fund will be sent to EPC churches in areas affected by the storm.

Thank you for providing help to those in need.