Photo credit: EDGARD GARRIDO / Reuters
In response to requests for assistance from leadership of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico (La Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de México or INPM) following a series of devastating earthquakes that hit Mexico in September, the EPC has launched an emergency relief fund to help with recovery efforts. The EPC and INPM entered into a fraternal partnership in 2016, with an initial focus on church planting.
On September 8, an 8.1-magnitude earthquake struck near the coast of Chiapas in Southern Mexico. The epicenter of a 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit on September 19 was approximately 40 miles south of Mexico City—resulting in the collapse of more than 40 buildings. On September 23, a 6.1-magnitude quake shook the southern state of Oaxaca. More than 500 people have been reported killed, with more than 6,300 injured. The majority of INPM churches are located south and east of Mexico City, in some of the highest-damage areas.
“We understand that ‘donor fatique’ is a possibility,” said Jeff Jeremiah, EPC Stated Clerk. “The EPC has already given more than $550,000 to the Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria disaster relief funds. However, the National Leadership Team believes we should make this effort for our fraternal partners to the south, trusting the Lord will provide.”
Click here to donate online (Choose “Emergency Relief” from the first pulldown menu and “Mexico Earthquakes Relief (509)” from the second pulldown menu,) or make check payable to Evangelical Presbyterian Church and designated “Mexico Earthquakes Relief,” and send to:
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
Donations to the fund will be sent to the INPM. Thank you for providing help to those in need.
I’m delighted to learn that the EPC’s relationship with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico has this practical side! Thank you for adding this option for giving.