SyrianRefugeeReliefIn response to what is being called “the worst humanitarian crisis of our time,” the EPC has launched an Emergency Relief Fund to help with the Syrian refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe. Due to the ongoing civil war in Syria, half the country’s pre-war population—more than 11 million people—have been killed or forced to flee their homes. Survivors face a decision to struggle to survive inside Syria, or risk their lives to try to reach Europe. The onset of winter weather conditions makes life even more difficult for these refugees, and thousands upon thousands are becoming receptive to the gospel for the first time.

“The Syrian refugee crisis has created a spiritual crisis,” said Phil Linton, EPC World Outreach Director. “Dissatisfied with Islam, many refugees are seeking answers to life-and-death questions, and Arab Muslims are turning to Christ in unprecedented numbers.”

The EPC is joining with church partners in Lebanon, Turkey, and Germany to not only help refugees with physical needs, but also explain how Jesus will meet their spiritual needs.

Under the direction of the EPC World Outreach Committee, donated funds will be disbursed to:

  • Provide the Bible in Arabic and Kurdish on mp3 audio players to a church-planting team on the Syrian border, distributed under the direction of an EPC elder (initial cost: $30,000).
  • Purchase food, clothing, medical, and discipleship materials for distribution to refugees in Lebanon under the direction of World Outreach global workers (initial cost: $50,000).
  • Send EPC disciple-makers who are fluent in the native languages of the refugees (Arabic, Kurdish, Farsi, Urdu, etc.) to spend two weeks to three months assisting evangelical refugee welcome centers in Europe (initial cost: $20,000).

Click here to donate online (Choose “Emergency Relief” from the first pulldown menu and “Syrian Refugee Relief (503)” from the second pulldown menu) or make check payable to Evangelical Presbyterian Church and designated Syrian Refugee Relief, and sent to:

Evangelical Presbyterian Church
17197 N. Laurel Park Dr., Suite 567
Livonia, MI 48152

Thank you for helping provide relief to those in need.