We’re pleased to publicize the works of two EPC authors, Leesa Donner and Dru Johnson.

Free at Last by Leesa Donner

EPC-Authors-Leesa-Donner-and-Dru-JohnsonIn her new study Free at Last: A Life-Changing Journey through the Gospel of Luke, Leesa K. Donner presents a Bible study for today’s woman. “Veteran Bible study students are aware that today’s Bible studies often fall into two categories: one that requires a lot of homework for serious Bible students, and one for those too busy and need something lighter,” Leesa says. “This study endeavors to strike a healthy balance between these two bookends…”

Leesa, a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and member of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland leads women through the book of Luke with scholarly insight and emotional depth, guiding their spiritual growth with thoughtfulness and care. “When you’re standing in the hall of a hospital and your mother is in the room dying, or your son has a life-threatening illness, you need good theology,” she says. “What you believe about God comes to bare in these challenging circumstances.”

Fourth’s Senior Pastor Rob Norris commends Free at Last: “It is a work that has already produced spiritual fruit in the lives of many who have used it at Fourth Church.”

More information about the book can be found at the website: www.FreeAtLastbiblestudy.com. The Bible study / workbook is 426 pages in length and costs $38.95 (softcover) or $9.99 (ebook). It is also available at www.amazon.com ($29.79, $9.99) and www.barnesandnoble.com ($29.79. $8.49).

Biblical Knowing by Dru Johnson

EPC-Authors-Leesa-Donner-and-Dru-Johnson-2Dru Johnson, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at The King’s College, New York, New York has authored Biblical Knowing: A Scriptural Epistemology of Error. Dru, a member of Mid-America Presbytery, describes his book as “a work of biblical theology on the topic of knowledge.”

Besides presenting a comprehensive Scriptural epistemology, Biblical Knowing also engages contemporary academic views of knowledge and recent philosophical methods. In addition, it explores what proper knowing looks like in the task of theology itself, in the teaching and preaching of the church, and in the context of counseling.

More information about Biblical Knowing can be found at www.wipfandstock.com/store/Biblical_Knowing_A_Scriptural_Epistemology_of_Error where it is sold for $23.20. It is available on www.amazon.com for $26.10.